NUX Leeds – 28 May 2015 – The shared creation experience

NUX Leeds meet-ups are kindly sponsored by SimpleUsability and Orchard Recruitment.

SimpleUsability and Orchard

The next NUX Leeds event takes place on Thursday 28th May and will be with our usual hosts Simple Usability at Marshall Mills, Marshall Street, Leeds.

Join us from 6:00pm for food, drinks, networking and our talk will start from 6:30pm.

This months talk will be on the shared creation experience, with Si Wilson, Studio of Things.

The divide that still exists in agency land between “traditional” and “digital” never seems closer than when looking at the planning and the user experience functions in those workplaces. Both employ the necessity to research and the desire to understand – so the most effective work possible comes out.

We’ll explore

  • how understanding is what every job needs
  • how research feeds strategies (and briefs)
  • why briefs are still key, even when working agile
  • how sketching and exploring structure is everybody’s job
  • how research should set up the “more creative” side of any work, not restrain it, through closer working together
  • how planning, UX teams, designers, and developers should overlap more to create better things
  • how “traditional” and “digital” sides should recognise more their complementary and shared approaches to do the best work possible.

Brief intro to Simon Wilson

Simon Wilson has worked in agency world since 2000 after starting as a developer at in 1998. Spending nine years at Brahm in Leeds, Si entered into the agency’s then newly-formed digital department before shifting over to help look after the agency’s more “traditional” design and advertising creative functions. In recent years Si has been studio director and creative and development director at Bloom and Home respectively before he turned a year ago to “do his own thing”.

Acting as a digital strategy and experience freelancer and consultant, Si works for and with “clients” – such as Leeds City Council, the NHS and Defra – and “agencies”, who he advises on work approaches, process, and innovation as much as the client work he is bound by NDAs not to talk about! Si operates out of a small studio space, Studio of Things, based out of Leeds.

You can follow Si on Twitter as @IdleSi and he blogs occasionally at

Running order

6:00 – 6:30 Free beer, soft drinks & refreshments
6:30 – 7:30 Si will be talking about the shared creation experience
7:30 – 8:00 Open discussion and networking




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