Tag Archives: #nuxuk

NUX2 – UX, Design & Psychology Conference – 25th Oct 2013

The Comedy Store, Manchester ~ 25th Oct 2013 ~ 9.00am-5.30pm NUX2 is an all-day event in Manchester focussed on how an understanding of people can help you define, design, and build better experiences, on the web and beyond. With international speakers from some of the biggest digital brands, the day will provide a wealth of […]

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NUX Leeds event 28 March: UX strategy, processes, frameworks – does it even matter? 20 things a client should know about UX (slides available)

4/4/13 Slides from the talk are here: NUX – 20 things to know about UX March event is given by Louis Georgiou, Founder and Head of UX at Code Computerlove. UX strategy, processes, frameworks – does it even matter?  20 things a client should know about UX. As a discipline, user experience (UX) is still rapidly growing […]

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