The next event on Monday 5 July will see us have a chance to disuss two great items: Design Patterns for e-Commerce, facilitated by Sam Sutton; Does Technology make any difference in our social life, presented by Alistair Sutcliffe.
Continue Reading →June 2010 Event Report – Discount Usability Testing
Report on the June 2010 event of Northern User Experience. The event took place in Leeds, and the main them was discount usability testing.
Continue Reading →#NUXUK Event in Leeds Monday 7 June 2010: Discount Usability Testing (new post)
It’s been a while since we met in Leeds, so we’re really excited to be back in Yorkshire. We will be meeting upstairs at the Brewery Tap from 7pm to 9pm. For those of you new to Northern User Experience, it’s an informal friendly group, so why not pop along and just listen or feel […]
Continue Reading →Notes from May Event
Full notes from the events held 4th May 2010
Continue Reading →May Event : Tuesday 4th May 2010
The next event of the Northern User Experience group will be Tuesday 4th May, venue: sCode Computerlove’s Ducie House office, Ducie Street, Manchester.
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