NUX Leeds – UX Into Large Organisations – 23 July 2012

This is a free event on Monday 23 July 2012 presented by Ian Franklin from IFonly Consulting

The session is aimed at people who have large organisation clients or who work for and in large organisations. It will consist of a presentation and a multi-group discussion for sharing experiences and ideas.

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UX Into Large Organisations: The Psychology of Acceptance and how to avoid 20 years of banging your head against a brick wall and the project manager dance (or why the *#%* don’t they get it!)

The objective of the session is to look beyond the logical and rational evidence based arguments for UX since resistance is actually emotionally based, which leads to a sterile “benefits followed by objection” debate. For most of us UX practitioners we think that what we do is “common sense” backed up by loads of good logical arguments and evidence. The arrival of guerilla discount methods and remote testing has made the benefits of UX very cheap to realise, certainly compared to costs of development, deployment and maintenance of complex IT systems. Yet when proposing UX as design/development solution often, especially in large organisations, we are met with a wall of resistance. The presentation will look at why this happens and what we can do about it.

About Ian Franklin

Chartered Psychologist and Ergonomist who first got interested in UX in 1984 when it was called HCI. After a short spell in user centred design research Ian worked for the Dept of Work and Pensions on the design of in house systems, (green screen then GUI). This included the development of a UCD methodology in the 1990’s which lead to him contributing to the UCD standard ISO 13407. His final work for the DWP was the development of the first touch screen job search kiosks in Jobcentres and the first job search website in 1999 which went live in 2001. During these projects Ian joined the IT company EDS and continued his work in UX. Ian is now self-employed working as a freelance UX researcher and usability analyst. His passion is the application of psychology to UX; enabling a better understanding of the user, the design process, and the social context within which technology is used.

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