NUX Newcastle meet-ups are kindly sponsored by Orange Bus. The next NUX Newcastle event is on Thursday 23 November 2017 at Campus North, Sunco House, 5 Carliol Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6UF. Doors will open at 6pm for the usual food, drinks and networking. Talks will start at 6:30. Money in the bank: usability and […]
Continue Reading →Dates, locations and agendas
NUX Manchester – 2 October 2017 – Innovation in an Agile Environment
NUX Manchester meet-ups are kindly sponsored by The next NUX Manchester event is taking place on Monday 2nd October in our regular home at the office of, at 35 Fountain Street, just behind Primark in Manchester City Centre. Join us from 6:30pm for food, drinks and networking. The talk will start at 7:00pm. […]
Continue Reading →NUX Liverpool – 5th October – Using assistive technology
The next NUX Liverpool event will be about Using Assistive Technology with Chris Bush This NUX Liverpool meet-up is kindly sponsored by Uniform. The next NUX Liverpool event is taking place on Thursday 5th October at Uniform’s Liverpool Office, Third Floor, Link 19, 9-19 Bold Street, Liverpool, L1 4DN Join us from 6:00pm for drinks, pizza […]
Continue Reading →NUX Newcastle – 28 September 2017 – Prototyping with purpose
NUX Newcastle meet-ups are kindly sponsored by Orange Bus. The next NUX Newcastle event is on Thursday 28 September 2017 at Campus North, Sunco House, 5 Carliol Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6UF. Doors will open at 6pm. Join us for the usual food, drinks and networking, with a talk from Craig Abbott starting at 6:30. Prototyping […]
Continue Reading →NUX Leeds – 25th September – Enemies of UX (and how to kill them)
The next NUX Leeds event is taking place on Monday 25th September at Futurelabs, at 1 Eastgate, Leeds, LS2 7LY. NUX Leeds are proud to announce our new sponsors Hippo Digital. Join us from 6:00pm for food, drinks and networking. Talk starts at 6:30pm. This month delighted to be joined by UX research pioneer and long standing […]
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