I encountered this pop-up notice on a Flash-based T-Shirt editor application last night. It reads Loading Error A loading error occured [sic]. This might negatively influence the use of the application. Please reload the application if this occurs. Beside the spelling mistake, the euphemism for ‘the application might break’, it’s also not clear after which […]
Continue Reading →World Usability Day – November 13th 2008
When we met on thursday, we agreed it would be nice to do something a bit special for world usability day, but it’s not far away so we will need to move quickly. The plan so far is: – Try to get an outside speaker. – Try to get a small sponsorship / donation to […]
Continue Reading →Resources
Having just uploaded Judith’s presentation, I remembered that I had forgotten to upload all the others previously sent to the mailing list (current or old) and/or added to the files section of the old list. Anyway, I’ve done that now and given them all the resources category. You can see them all by clicking the […]
Continue Reading →Personas Presentation
Judith asked me to put her presentation from Yesterday’s meeting up on the blog. So, here it is: Personas Presentation (280K). I had to convert it to PDF to get it uploaded into WordPress. If anyone would prefer it in the original PowerPoint format, just let me know.
Continue Reading →Meeting: Thursday 11th September
It looks like we have (just) enough people to proceed, so following an unplanned summer break NUX is back, back, back. We will be meeting 6.30 at the Waterhouse pub, just near St. Peter’s Square metrolink (walkable from piccadily station). http://www.jdwetherspoon.co.uk/pubs/pub-details.php?PubNumber=2103 Judith will be talking about personas and how she uses them in her work. […]
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