
NUX Newcastle 21 July 2016: Don’t be a d**k – design with empathy

NUX Newcastle meet-ups are kindly sponsored by Sage and Orange Bus.

NUX Newcastle November 2015

This month we’re talking empathy. Or more importantly, designing with empathy. Helen Spires, a user experience designer, will be talking about empathy, how companies can be psychopaths, and what you can do to make more empathetic experiences. Helen will introduce the topic of empathy in its most raw definition. This will be followed by a short ice-breaker activity. Then there will be a journey-mapping exercise using a common everyday example – but each group of participants will have a different key variable to consider. This will help highlight different human emotions and feelings and allow us to propose more considered solutions when looking at their user journey.

Running order

6:00 – 6:45 Doors open for free beer, soft drinks, and pizza provided by our sponsors Sage and Orange Bus.
6:45 – 7:45 Talk and workshop by Helen Spires
7:45 – 8:30 Open discussion and networking
8:30 – late To the pub! We’ll be just around the corner to The Ware Rooms.


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