
NUX Newcastle – 19 Nov 2015 – Assistive Intelligence

NUX Newcastle meet-ups are kindly sponsored by Sage and Orange Bus.

NUX Newcastle November 2015
NUX4 may be over, but with leaves in our hair and scarves tightly tied we’re ready to kick off an awesome winter of talks at Campus North. First out the gates is Lee Allen (Experience Director at TH_NK) who’s going to be giving us an amazing insight into the future of UX and the interface of tomorrow…

We’ve also got a slightly longer running time of 6:00 – 8:30  so more time to hang around afterwards, chat and drink free beer. An excellent end to a Thursday.

The Rise of Assistive Intelligence

Lee’s talk will explore how messaging is positioning itself as the interface of the future – touching on driving economic forces and challenging how we think about apps, brand and digital services.
From start ups to the big players, he’ll highlight the technological progression happening today and explore what the next five years may hold for our everyday personal lives, roles and businesses.

About Lee

Lee Allen of TH_NKLee Allen is the Experience Director at TH_NK.

He helps organisations create and deliver transformative digital services and products by drawing from the intersection of user experience, service design, design thinking and knowledge management.

Running order

6:00 – 6:30 Free beer and soft drinks provided by our sponsors Sage and Orange Bus.
6:30 – 7:30 Talk by Lee Allen – The Rise of Assistive Intelligence
7:30 – 8:30 Open discussion, suggestions for upcoming NUX Newcastle talks, and networking. And pizza!
8:30 – late To the pub! We’ll be just around the corner to The Ware Rooms.


Get free tickets here:

How to find us

