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Dates, locations and agendas

NUX Conference One

Northern UX One will be held on Saturday 27 October in Bradford, West Yorkshire. We are currently looking for sponsors, speakers and facilitators. Visit the conference website Follow the conference on Twitter

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Responsive UX – NUX Manchester – Monday 6 August 2012

Register at Eventbrite This is a free event in Manchester presented by @keithdoyle on Responsive User Experience. A responsive website is one which will work on any device with a good user experience, including smartphones. In this session, Keith will cover: A UX definition of Responsive Some key design patterns for responsive websites Navigation patterns […]

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NUX Leeds – UX Into Large Organisations – 23 July 2012

This is a free event on Monday 23 July 2012 presented by Ian Franklin from IFonly Consulting The session is aimed at people who have large organisation clients or who work for and in large organisations. It will consist of a presentation and a multi-group discussion for sharing experiences and ideas. Register for this event […]

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