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Dates, locations and agendas

NUX Liverpool – 8th February – Abandon all carts now

This NUX Liverpool meet-up is kindly sponsored by Mando. The next NUX Liverpool event is taking place on Wednesday 8th February at Mando’s Liverpool Office, No. 5 St Paul’s Square, Liverpool, Merseyside, L3 9SJ Join us from 6:00pm for drinks, pizza and networking. Talks start at 6:30pm. Abandon all carts now with Fritz von Runte Fritz […]

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NUX Newcastle, 19 January 2017, Agile UX

NUX Newcastle meet-ups are kindly sponsored by Orange Bus. Agile UX: With an Agile Timelord and WAM Happy 2017 everyone! It’s a new year and what better way to celebrate than with a brand-new, shiny NUX meet-up. We’re back in the new and improved Campus North and can’t wait to kick off 2017 with not one […]

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