
Next NUX Leeds Event Monday 26th March – PET: Designing for Persuasion, Emotion and Trust

The next NUX Leeds event will be held on Monday 26th March at 6:30pm.

Entry is free but you will need to register here for a ticket http://www.eventbrite.com/event/2953595283

Barry Briggs will be talking about PET: Designing for Persuasion, Emotion and Trust

– Overview of Persuasion, Emotion and Trust (PET)
– How PET works with User Centred Design (UCD)
– A look at some PET techniques in detail
– Case study – applying PET to a real world example
– The power of the Dark Side – using UX for evil

Barry Briggs

Barry is a User Experience Architect at Code Computerlove, a digital agency in Manchester. Beginning his career with some of best regarded agencies in Leeds over 10 years ago, Barry moved to William Hill to help shape their hugely successful online betting website before moving to Code over 4 years ago to work on some of their most high profile projects. In addition to being a usability obsessive and self-styled evil scientist, he spends far too much time in his quest for the perfect quiff.
Twitter: @quiffboy

